Spotlight please.
Give our “ME” a top hat and a cane…position the spotlight just so… be sure it captures the best side of our “ME”…add a microphone so that our “ME” can be heard …and now presenting ….center stage…drum roll please... “ME.”
Isn’t that how we want it? We want the attention, we want it to be all about us, we want to be heard, we want to be right, we want it our way, and we want it now. It’s all about me…ME...ME!!!
Oh Lord, forgive us. We know in our hearts that it is not about us. But our “ME” can be so demanding, so dramatic, so loud …so like a diva. Help us to take off the top hat, lay down the cane, step away from the microphone, and step out of the spotlight.
Give us a song and dance for You. Not to draw attention to ourselves, not for our applause…but for Your honor and glory… to praise and worship You.
In the dance, in the song, in the beating of the drum…help us to abandon our “Me” in humble submission to You alone.
Goodbye “ME” …your journey is over.