Sunday, January 1, 2012

 What changes are coming to Evergreen in 2012?
We’re glad that you’ve been asking.
* implementing into this ministry the changes that God did in each one of us     
   this past summer (if you don’t know what these are – check out our Dusty 
   Feet blog)
* completion of our basement remodel to “house” this ministry (puppets can 
   take up a lot of space)
* development of a new stage layout (not your typical puppet stage)
* developing and making of puppet characters specific to Evergreen 
* new story lines and songs are being written
* sharing of testimonies and praise and worship will be implemented 
* new creative performance ideas are being developed and practiced 
* new use of technology
* …and then there are all of the “important” legal decisions that have to be 
   taken care of


“I am doing a new thing!”
Isaiah 43:19a
*Scheduling events for fall 2012*