OUCH, Lord. We can feel you pulling out the weeds inside of us.
Is that a rototiller You’re running Lord?
We know that You are preparing the ground. You alone know the type of soil inside each one of us.
Lord, plant Your seeds deep. Anchor them in so that the storms of life can’t uproot them.
That is the purpose of this journey. And we know that both sunshine and rain are needed for growth.
Please grow the reality of Your love in our hearts.
Help the roots of joy to run deep and burst forth.
An abundant crop of peace would be welcome.
Plant extra patience, Lord --
we use a lot of this and we don’t want to run out.
Help kindness to come up early and often so we can share it with others.
May giant buds of goodness grow from our hearts.
Let the fragrance of gentleness flow freely from us.
When the storms come, keep us staked in faithfulness.
Help the seeds of self-control to grow tall and sturdy,
so we won’t easily break.
Fertilize us with Your words of truth.
Continue to pull out those weeds Lord, even if it hurts.
Help us to continue to grow and mature to become more like You.
May we in turn sow into the lives of others.
What a great harvest!