Lord, I’m not sure we packed the proper attire for this journey. We may need to rethink our wardrobe. This road, this journey to new places, is dustier and rougher than we first thought.
We need the right size belt – to hold us up in truth. We don’t want to be caught with our guard down.
Are breastplates in fashion this season? I suppose if we want to survive this journey with our hearts intact, we’ll be sporting the latest style.
Ah, yes, shoes, Lord…these sandals aren’t cutting it. Our feet are getting dusty. This road is rough and we need more protection so we can walk in peace.
A shield…what every well-dressed warrior is wearing these days. If it gives us the faith to keep moving on down this road…we’ll take one…make that seven. Do they come in different colors?
Yes, if there is one thing that needs protection – it’s our minds. Lord, for You we’ll gladly sport helmet hair.
A sword. Cool. Nothing better than a double-edged sword. Now there’s some power. We’re packin’ Your Word.
Thanks for paying the price for this outfit with Your blood.
We could never have afforded it.
Help us to wear it well.