Do you ever have any of those Charlie Brown days? Where you strike out, miss a fly ball, get your kite stuck in a tree and land flat on your back after missing the football? No matter what you do, all you get are rocks. And you walk around saying, “I just don’t understand.” Days like that make you want to go sit in a pumpkin patch by yourself.
Most of us have days like that, including those of us in this ministry. It’s not our intent to whine our way through this blog, but to be honest and upfront with you about how we “feel” and what we “see” on this journey down this road.
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, we know, we “walk by faith and not by sight.” But when you are dealing with flesh being crucified, it’s just plain hard some days.
Charlie Brown had to wait for his “love letter” from the little red haired girl …but for us, we don’t need to wait, we just need to pick up our “love letter” from God. We can read His words of love and truth. We can invite Him to come into the pumpkin patch with us as we wait. He will help us to get our kite untangled and out of the tree and even make it like new. He will pick us up off of our backs and help us to stand on our feet again. And we can know that He is moving us into position, and when the timing is right, we will get the right pitch and hit that ball out of the park.
Now that’s a new thing.